June is Adopt a Cat Month!

Written by Amanda Colquitt

June 23, 2022

Have you been thinking about adopting a cat or kitten? Now is a perfect time!

June is National Adopt-A-Cat Month! Every year, hundreds of cats flood the shelters during kitten season. Why not make one of them, or even two, your own!

Are you unsure if it’s the right choice for you? Are you worried about being prepared? We get it; becoming a pet owner can be a big decision. To help alleviate your worry, we’ve created a checklist to guide you on what you will need and what to expect when adopting a cat or kitten!

Make Sure Your Home is Cat Friendly

Cats are curious, especially kittens! Think of caring for a cat as if you were caring for a toddler.

  • Make sure your plants aren’t poisonous. Many houseplants are toxic and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and other illnesses. Some common examples include the peace lily along with the succulents jade and aloe.
  • Get in the habit of keeping household items such as cleaning supplies, makeup, medication, cords, etc., out of the way where a cat cannot reach them.
  • Cats love to explore and climb. If you have any fragile or valuable items, consider storing them somewhere safe where they will be less likely to be toppled by a curious cat. 
  • If you already have a pet, you will need to consider how they might feel with a new housemate. Check out the resources below to help introduce your new cat to your animals at home.

Have the Proper Supplies

Bringing your new cat home is an exciting time, but be sure to prepare first! Use this list to make sure everything is ready for your cat when you bring them home. 

  • A Scratching Post.  Scratching is an instinctive behavior that is necessary for your cat. You will need a designated spot for your cat to scratch their nails. Without a scratching post, cats will use whatever is convenient, including furniture and door frames!
  • A Litter Box. Be sure to get litter and a scooper too! A good rule of thumb is to have two litter boxes for one cat, and three litter boxes for two cats. 
  • Toys, Toys, and More Toys! Many cats enjoy lasers, wand toys, and catnip. There are plenty of options for keeping your cat entertained and exercised.
  • Food and Water bowls. Use metal or ceramic bowls as plastic can hold bacteria and give your pet acne. Click here to learn more.
  • A Cat Cave! If you really want to go all-out for your new cat, create a special room just for them.

Designate an Area for Your Cat

 At first, your cat may feel uneasy in their new environment. Consider limiting your cat to just one room in the beginning, to help alleviate their stress. Place their litter box, food, water, scratching post, and toys all in one room. Be sure to keep your cat’s toys out of reach when you’re not home especially if they can be easily ingested. As your cat gets more acclimated to this room, you can introduce them to other parts of the house.

Find a Vet Near You

Finding a vet to provide initial and ongoing care for your pet is one of the most important things you can do as a responsible pet owner. Be sure to contact the vet to see if they are accepting new patients and set up your first appointment. It is recommended that your cat’s first check-up should occur within a month of adoption. You may also discuss heartworm/flea and tick medication at the time of your visit.

Think about finding a pet sitter who can check on your cat while you’re at work or on vacation. Cats are curious and can sometimes get into dangerous situations; having someone check on them is a good idea. A pet sitter will ensure your pet is fed, has fresh water, a clean litter box, and gets plenty of playtime and love!

Take your time when looking for your new best friend. You want to find a cat whose personality will fit well in your household. There’s no rush in choosing your pet; there are plenty of kitties to meet!

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