Reasons Why You Should Hire a Professional Pet Sitter

Written by Amanda Colquitt

March 24, 2022

Leaving your pet at home is daunting to any pet owner. Do you reach out to a friend or family member who may care for them as you do? Or, do you hire a professional pet sitter who you know will care for your pet as if they were their own? The answer is easy. You hire a professional pet sitter!

Please keep reading to find out why it’s a no-brainer!


Animals are already a little uneasy with their parents gone, so why not make things easier for them? Instead of boarding your pet when away, let your pet stay home in their familiar surroundings. Sleeping in their own bed and playing with their own toys helps keep them feeling regulated. They’re less prone to developing anxiety at home while they follow their daily feeding schedule and exercise routine.

Having your furry friend at home vs. boarding reduces your pet’s chance of contracting illnesses such as kennel cough and canine influenza. Some pets aren’t fans of being transported and become fearful when kept in a loud, unfamiliar environment. This type of environment can add to the feeling of uneasiness that they probably already have.

Personal Attention

A pet sitter guarantees your furry loved one personal love and attention. Your sitter will follow your care plan directly and assure all your pet’s needs are met. If you have particular directions for your pet’s food schedule or potty time, a professional pet sitter will make sure those are followed. They’ll make your pet their #1 priority, and because of this, your pet will be carefully cared for and observed for any signs of illness.


Another reason to choose a pet sitter is that they’re experienced and qualified. Most pet sitters are CPR, and First Aid certified. They are trained on what to do if an emergency occurs and how to handle it. Before you leave, you will discuss how you would like your pet to be cared for if emergency measures need to be taken. Your pet sitter will ask for your vet info, emergency contact information, and anything they should watch with your four-legged pal. This information will be kept on file.


Professional pet sitters will keep you updated on how your pet is doing! If you ever have any questions on how they’re doing, you can always reach out to your sitter! You’ll receive daily reports and pictures of your pet’s staycation.

Overall, a pet sitter will do everything they possibly can to aid in your pet’s well-being. They choose to surround themselves with animals because they sincerely love them. Their goal is to make your pet feel like you never left home. Next time you’re considering hiring a pet sitter, remember these important reasons why you should!


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